Conservation Careers Webinar

How to
apply for conservation jobs

How conservation job seekers land interviews, with Nick and Kristi from Conservation Careers.

Learn how conservation job seekers and career switchers write stand-out job applications - without frustration or overwhelm - so they can land interviews for dream jobs.

How to apply for conservation jobs

July 8, 2024
7:00pm Greenwich Mean Time

Join this live event with Nick and Kristi where we’ll dive into:

  • Why 90% of conservation job applications fail and how to be in the 10% that succeed.
  • How to identify your best evidence of experience, skills and knowledge that you already have.
  • How to stand out using career success stories and custom CV/resume styles.

Guests who join live will have the opportunity to ask questions directly of Nick and Kristi.

Dr Nick Askew

Founder and Director, Conservation Careers

Kristi Foster

Head of Programmes, Conservation Careers

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